
Showing posts from March, 2021

My First Snow

“Ring, ring…,” the sound of the ringing phone woke me up. I glanced at the clock - it was almost 10 AM. After being up most of the night with a fussy baby, both me and the little one were finally getting some shut-eye. “Won’t even let me sleep...”, I mumbled as I got up from the bed. “At least didn’t wake the baby,” I thought, relieved that my son was still sound asleep, despite the disturbance. I put a pillow next to him and walked to the living room to answer the call. “Did you see it?” my husband asked excitedly, from the other end of the phone. “See what in my sleep? A dream?” I asked, now extra annoyed at his dumb questions after disturbing my slumber, which he knew from experience was a cardinal sin. “Go outside and look. Don't forget to wear your jacket,” he said calmly. Groggily, I put on my jacket, wondering what was so important that he had called me from work.  I opened the front door and all my anger and annoyance at my husband dissipated.  I gasped at the view! It was