Man in Space Vs Man on the Moon - A Comparison

Space flight and the manned moon landing are two of the biggest scientific achievements of mankind. However, the moon landing has had a shroud of suspicion around it for many years, with people calling it a hoax and conspiracy theorists analyzing every microscopic detail of man’s first steps on the moon to try to establish that it never happened.

Whatever the truth regarding the moon landing be, it is definitely one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind that I have always struggled to comprehend…..

Let me take you through the facts as we know, and explain why I find it hard to digest……

The first manned space flight took place in 1961 when Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the earth. 

The moon landing took place, just a few years later, in 1969, when supposedly Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon, walked around the surface of the moon and returned safely back to earth. The US had six crewed moon landings in quick succession from 1969 to 1972, but none since. A total of 12 Americans claim that they walked on the moon.

Assuming that both the space flight and moon landing are facts, let’s analyze where we stand in both these fields today, in 2023, more than sixty years since the date of the first space flight. 

Let’s look at the progress in the field of space travel of humans:

  • In 2020, we marked the 20th Anniversary of humans living on the International Space Station (ISS) that is orbiting the earth.

  • Scientists live aboard the ISS for time periods ranging from six months to a year.

  • Astronaut Scott Kelly has spent a continuous 340 days living on the International Space Station. Physiological changes to his body were compared to that of his twin brother, Mark Kelly who remained on earth in NASA’s Twin study conducted in 2019.

  • Humans regularly conduct space walks, moving about in outer space wearing their space suits for scientific purposes and to perform repairs on the ISS.

  • To date, more than 600 people who are citizens of 41 different countries have gone to space

Now let’s take a look at the progress in the field of manned moon landings:

  • Nothing new to report!!

  • No other country has ever been able to put another man on the moon after the US! 

As you can see, there is a vast discrepancy in the progress achieved in both these fields. We have had leaps and bounds of progress in manned space flight, but absolutely nothing has happened in the manned moon landing category. 

Common sense and logic don’t add up when it comes to the US moon landing.

Why has no other country been able to achieve in 2023, what the US was able to do six times using 1960s technology??!!

Remember that the sixties were a time period when most TVs were still black and white with no remotes, and phones used to have rotary dials. Think of all the new advances in science that have happened in the last sixty years like smart TVs, smart phones, smart homes, chatGPT and so much more....

So something that was done using 1960s technology should be very easy to accomplish using the advanced technology available today, right? Why is putting another man on the moon still unattainable to all other nations?

Something doesn’t quite add up!! 🤔

PS: No, this is not a conspiracy theory!! I am just asking the questions that I cannot logically find answers to and if anyone out there has answers that I can comprehend, I would love to hear them.


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